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Campaign Pledge

  • I pledge to remain an independent voice. I have accepted no campaign contributions. My vote is mine alone.
  • I pledge to do my homework. I will conduct a thoughtful study of County issues. During my first term on Auburn City Council I attended 557 meetings to “learn my job.”
  • I pledge to advocate for transparency in County government, as I have done for the City.
  • I pledge to ask the hard questions.
  • I pledge to continue to work as a “neighborhood advocate,” realizing that, yes, there are “neighborhoods” out in the county as well. What impacts our homes inevitably impacts us and our neighbors as well.
  • I pledge to be accessible, responding to every e-mail and phone call in a timely manner.

Paid for by Sheila H. Eckman, 430 Deer Run Road, Auburn, AL 36832 / [334] 750.9666